*** Require it per E-Mail specifying clearly your name and your address.

*** The delivery will be made by post-shipment with registered parcel and the payment cash on delivery.

*** Multi-languages instructions for a correct use are given together  with the hand sun dial.

*** Price of the universal equinoctial sun dial: Euro 35,00 (VAT included) plus shipment expenses (about 8 – 10) Euros.


to require it ...

 renseignements - etc

Description and Technical Characteristics


The universal equinoctial sun ring is a handy solar watch very well known in the past, useful for the knowledge of  time but also for the timing and the sea navigation. This watch, built in solid metal (brass and steel) is manufactured in a valuable design and high precision and is the exact copy of the 18th century models, the “Golden Age” of gnomonics present in exclusive collections.

It’s universal because it tells the local time no matter which part of the earth you are. It has two concentric circles and it should be kept hanging by means of a mobile ring set on the value of the latitude of the observation place. The inner circumference (celestial equator) has the marks of the hours with intervals of 15° and opens perpendicular on the outer one (local meridian) which marks the values of latitude on which the suspension ring should be set. The central part shows a bridge (earth axis) with incisions of the principal months and days of the year, this part given with a perforated  sliding cursor.

After having set the instrument positioning the suspension ring on the exact latitude and the sliding cursor on the date of observation, orientate the equinoctial ring towards the sun, rotating it until the spot of light of the hole (time indicator) is exactly projected on the inner equatorial ring for the hours. In this position the outer circle is precisely set along the local meridian showing the NORTH-SOUTH direction and the bridge with the dates is parallel to the earth axis:

Now you can see reproduced in miniature the celestial globe seen from your observation place.





    A- Suspension device with setting ring (in steel)

(to be positioned on the value of the local latitude present on the meridian circle)

    B - Meridian circle (in brass worked with incisions)
       (it has the values of latitude and should be positioned in north – south direction)

    C - Equatorial time circle (in brass worked with incisions)
(to be positioned perpendicular to the meridian circle)

    D - Bridge  (in brass worked with incisions)
          (is perpendicular to the equatorial time circle and parallel to the earth axis)

    E - Sliding cursor with hole (in steel)
(to be positioned on the bridge in the date of observation)

    F-G - Stoppers of the equatorial time circle (in brass worked with incisions)



Exact dimensions of the sun dial


Equinoctial ring closed, with
           the time and meridian circles
           on the same leve


         Important specification

1) I undersigned offer warranty on the integrity and the functioning of the product if used correctly in accordance with the instructions given.

2) I undersigned declarethat the personal data of the customer:
- will be only used for the shipment of the equinoctial sun dial and the related information;
- these data will not be used in any other different way and never be passed to anybody else without your explicit permission.


to require it ...

 renseignements - etc


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